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Showing posts from 2018

Prepositions "On," "At," and "In" Use In Eglish Sentences

Prepositions "On," "At," and "In" A preposition is a word that links a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to some other part of the sentence. Prepositions can be tricky for English learners. There is no definite rule or formula for choosing a preposition. In the beginning stage of learning the language, you should try to identify a preposition when reading or listening in English and recognize its usage. to the office at the desk on the table in an hour about myself A preposition is used to show direction, location, or time, or to introduce an object. Here are a few common prepositions and examples. On Used to express a surface of something: I put an egg on the kitchen table. The paper is on my desk. Used to specify days and dates: The garbage truck comes on Wednesdays. I was born on the 14th day of June in 1988. Used to indicate a device or machine, such as a phone or computer: He is on the phone right now. She has been on the computer ...


Past Papers || FPSC PPSC NTS OTS SOLVED PAST PAPERS || SOLVED PAST PAPERS FOR BEST PREPATIONS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE JOIN OUR FB GROUP: Important Links:  SYLLABUS OF CUSTOM INSPECTOR AND ADVERTISEMENT NO.05/2018 Click here for repeated MCQs: PSC PPSC NTS Past Papers General Knowledge || Repeated MCQs Of Past Papers Click here for OTS: FIA INSPECTOR PAPER: OTS: FIA Sub Inspector Complete Solved Paper || Held on 19-08-2018 Click here for Sub-Inspector Police: Solved Paper of Sub Inspector held on 24-01-2016 by PPSC Click here for Asst Suprintdent Jail: Assistant Superintendent Jail Past Paper PPSC 2015 Click here for Sub inspector 2nd badge: Solved Paper of Sub Inspector held on 27-08-2017 by PPSC Click here for Custom Inspector Past Paper: Solved Paper of Customs Inspector (FBR), Batch-3 held on 16-09-2015 by FPSC Click here for FBR Past Paper: Solved Paper of Preventive Officer (FBR), Batch-2 held on 13-09-2015 by FPSC Click here for new Cabinet of pakistan: Newly ...

Is your classroom inclusive and child-friendly? A self-assessment tool for teachers

Is your classroom inclusive and child-friendly? A self-assessment tool for teachers. Most of us look at classrooms as places for seriously learning and seldom as a place where students enjoy activities and have a say in what and how one needs and wants to learn. The most important part of teaching and learning is the learning environment , especially the ways how teachers and students interact and how such an environment helps different children learn to their best ability. An inclusive, child-friendly learning environment is not just a place for formal learning, but also a place where children have rights: the right to be healthy, to be loved, to be treated with respect, the right to be protected from violence and abuse (including physical or mental punishment), and the right to express his or her opinion, and to be supported in education irrespective of learning needs. Join Our Facebook Group For Learning Must Visits What are characteristics of an inclus...

How To Prepare for MDCAT Test To Get Admissions In Top Medical Colleges

Here are the tips for the preparation of MDCAT. Students should not be confused. 1. Physics Dear students, the MCQs of physics in the paper are both easy and difficult. There are a total of 44 MCQs. Out of them, about 36 mcqs are quite easy and can be said as book lines. However, remaining 8 mcqs are not as such from the book. These mcqs are always world known and conceptual, not too difficult but quite interesting. In order not to lose 50 marks, which literally DECIDE YOUR MERIT, you have to be keen about those 8 mcqs as well.These mcqs involve diagrams and calculations etc, but are not so difficult. But you must have once gone through them before the entrance test. That's it!! 2. Chemistry There are a total of 58 mcqs in chemistry. According to the updated syllabus, 2012-2013 about 52 mcqs are quite lenient(no diagrams), but remaining may contain diagrams and the most important questions in the form of diagrams come from AMINO ACIDS and MACROMOLECULES. Moreover, you...

Different fields of Computer Science || Difference Between CS IT CE AND SE

The four programs have common elements: they all stress an understanding of both digital hardware and software, though to varying degrees, and they all hone students' problem-solving skills. As well, graduates of all three programs may compete for some of the same jobs. However, the programs have different objectives. Computer Engineering (CE) deals with designing, developing, and operating computer systems. At its core, Computer Engineering concentrates on digital hardware devices and computers, and the software that controls them. Advanced courses focus on standard designs and techniques for specific application domains. In contrast to CS and SE, Computer Engineering emphasizes solving problems in digital hardware and at the hardware-software interface. Computer Science (CS) focuses on understanding, designing, and developing programs and computers. At its core, Computer Science concentrates on data, data transformation, and algorithms. Advanced courses present speciali...

NUMS ENTRT TEST 2018 ▪Admission Details and Application Process

If you want to attend the NUMS entry test, then here we are giving you the NUMS entry test 2018 dates scheduled for applying. NUMS stands for National University of Medical Sciences locating in Rawalpindi Pakistan. It holds the medical entities in MBBS and BDS and arranges an entry test which is called as NET by NUMS. NUMS take 1 test a year. One who wants to take admission in NUMS or its affiliating medical colleges he or she just has to pass out this entry test. You are also informing that the Army Medical College Rawalpindi was previously attached with the NUST but now it is following out the rules and regulations of NUMS for medical entry test. Those who will pass this test will only be entertained by the admissions while others will be rejecting. The National University of Medical Sciences is a well reputing name among military based medical institutes in Lahore, Multan, Wah Cantt, Taxila, Quetta, and Karachi. NUMS has attained the affiliation of Higher Education Commission (HE...

Introduction of Pharmacy_D || Scope || Carriers || Future Benefits

This post contains all info about Phrm D.. Pharmacy is a scientific health profession which deals with the science of medicines and their use in the treatment and prevention of disease. It encompasses the aspects related to medicine discovery, development, production, distribution, dispensing, testing, research etc., and while linking the health sciences with the chemical sciences it is responsible for ensuring the safe and effective use of medicines. Recognized as Custodians of medicines the Pharmacists are specialists in the science and clinical use of medicines. They are highly trained and skilled healthcare professionals who perform various roles to ensure optimal health outcomes for the patients. A physician examines patients, and diagnoses the disease and a Pharmacist prepares the medicine for the cure of this disease. Pharmacists also monitor the health and progress of patients to ensure the safe and effective use of medication. # NATURE_OF_WORK Pharmacists Prepare, mix...