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FIA Inspector Investigation 6 Jan 2019

FIA Inspector Investigation 6 Jan 2019

1.Who inaugurated Ideas 2018?
2. Ideas 2018 hosted by Pakistan in which date?
3. Pakistan has been elected as for the council of for 4 years?
4. Which afghan envoy selected for Pakistan?
5. Aids spreads 6.Current Irani president
7.Russian president Putten belong to which political party
8.Who current ambassador of Pak to UN?

1- Hallucination antonym... reality
2- Disgorge Antonym ...
3- Impertinent synonym... Brazen
4- Call it a day idiom.... Stop working
5- A dim A dozen .... Something Common
6- Expedient synonym...
7- Baqi prepositions and Change of voice thy... jo maii yaad..
8- Human rights Day ... 10 Decmeber
9- Kartharpur corridor in which district ...
10- IDEAS date .... 27 Nov-30 nov
11- Inaugurated by ... President Alvi
12- Petroleum Division minister... ghulam sarwar
13- Advisor To PM on Austerity.....
14- Solar summit sy tha aik jo naii yaad pura
15- Ghazwa e Badar..... 313
16- Hazrat umar RA birth year....
17- 7 rounds of Kabba called..... Tawaf
18- First woman who embraced Islam.... hazrat khadija RA
19- Hazrat Ayub py kthny surah hy in quran (kch es thra sa qstn tha)....
20- Hazrat Youdaf AS ke umer kia the jub Egypt migration ke the....
21- Hatff 7 missile range.....
22- Ozone layer blocks which rays... UV
23- Red blood cells color is red bcz of ... Hemoglobin
24- A wire of resistance 6 ohms cut into two pieces , and connected into parallel then what will be the total resistance.... 1.5 ohm
 25- Fat soluble .... D A E ( All of the above)
26- Aids spread by Air or water or both... i marked None
27- water and salt mixture is separated to gain both ... Distillation
28- Sand from Water ...... i marked filtration
29- Afghan Ambassador to Pak... Mashal khan
30- Pak ambassador to un... maleeha lodhi
dime a dozen?
call it a day?
break a leg?
HAzrat Umar born in?
range of hatf-7
minister of petroleum division
synonym of mellow
synonym of hanged
synonym of expedient
antonym of hallucination
antonym of disgorged
Current foreign minister of China?
Putin belongs to which party?


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